

Sunday WOrship - 9:30 sunday school 10:40 Fellowship hour 10:40


We have just come out of the Lenten Season and Holy Week. I know I have introduced some changes such as using ashes on Ash Wednesday, adding a Good Friday Service and trying to move the Sunrise Service outside. I also did not use the lectionary throughout most of Lent and preached a Sermon Series on Forgiveness. So why change? Here are some of my thoughts on that.

First, change just for change sake is never advisable, but there are legitimate reasons for change.

  1. My background is different than that of Pastor Kevin or any of his predecessors. That just comes with having any new Pastor, but my geographical and ministry background may cause the change to be greater. You do need to know that almost all changes made are approved by Session as required by the Book of Order. There are a few things like preaching content and music that are part of my purview as Pastor, but even then, I consult with the various committees and Session.
  2. Change is necessary for growth.  This is not the church of 50 years ago. We don’t have the membership. We don’t have the same population. We don’t have the same volunteer base. This is not to say that we leave all traditions behind us. It is to say however, that we need to be discerning as to which traditions we carry forward. Part of that discerning process is hearing from you on your preferences. I guarantee I will listen to you and take the point of view of members into account while making decisions. While we as a Session may not agree with all your preferences, I pray that we will meet all of your needs.
  3. We may experience change as a result of being obedient to the Holy Spirit. As we seek God’s direction for ministry here at First Presbyterian, that will probably mean change. That will also require people to step forward to serve in new ways. Not unlike most churches, our volunteer base is stretched pretty thin. As we look at new opportunities for ministry, that will require new volunteers. I am certain that if God is calling us to do new things, He will provide the people to make it happen. I just ask that you be open to how God may be calling you.
  4. Change may happen as a result of a lack of resources. While I don’t have the exact numbers yet (We will provide them in early April.), we are roughly running a $10,000.00 deficit in the first quarter between what we have spent and what we have brought in with our tithes and offerings. This is obviously not sustainable. I am not telling you how much to give, but will point out that the biblical ideal is a tithe (10% of your income) especially in the Old Testament. I understand that 10% may not be possible for you right now for a variety of reasons. I know for Wendy and me; we are just getting to that percentage after working toward it for many years. In other words, I don’t want to lay a guilt trip on anyone. The amount you give is between you and God (and Lisa, since she does the bookkeeping). I have no clue what anyone in the church gives other than Wendy and me. I just wanted to make you aware of where the church is financially. If you can give more, great! If not, please keep this situation in prayer and look at other ways you can give with your time and service. If there is not an increase in giving, changes will be forced upon us.  I have no doubt that God will provide, but maybe not in the way we expect.

Friends, I know change is not easy. (Remember, we came to Iowa from Hawaii, and from Military Chaplaincy to a local church.) In order to function well in the midst of change we need to communicate well with one another, we need to assume the best in people’s motivation for change, and we need “to put on love which binds everything together in perfect harmony” (Col 3:14).  If you are struggling with any changes, please come talk to me. I don’t want anyone to feel excluded or left out. On the contrary, I want people to feel loved and supported as we move together into the future.

                                                                                                Grace and Peace,


                                                                                                Pastor Jim